This month, it has been a year into PHITO. A massive project, a dream for us. Designing an app with 1000 people across Europe and beyond may sound like a disaster, but we love it and see it as an opportunity and adventure! One year of discussions, brainstorms around the table, on the road, in the field. A beautiful mix …
Return of the Springs: Mapping the impact of landscape restoration
Welcome to the Decade on Restoration We are living in a time where urgent restoration initiatives are needed to save ecosystems and landscapes. The UN and FAO have coined this the Decade on Restoration. But how do we know if our efforts are effective? You know them. We know them. And we love them as much as anyone: lush green …
Dai pendii ripidi ai vini sostenibili: Un futuro per la viticoltura eroica
Il patrimonio unico della viticoltura eroica La viticoltura eroica, una forma notevole e impegnativa di coltivazione della vite diffusa soprattutto in Europa, incarna la tradizione secolare e lo spirito di resilienza contro gli ostacoli naturali più impegnativi. Questa pratica specializzata si è guadagnata il titolo grazie alle incredibili sfide affrontate da coloro che la praticano. Questi agricoltori determinati affrontano condizioni …
De laderas escarpadas a vinos sostenibles: Un futuro para la viticultura heroica
El patrimonio único de la viticultura heroica La viticultura heroica, una forma extraordinaria y exigente de cultivo de la vid que se da sobre todo en Europa, encarna la tradición centenaria y el espíritu de resistencia frente a los obstáculos naturales. Esta práctica especializada se ha ganado el título por los increíbles retos a los que se enfrentan quienes la …
Des pentes abruptes aux vins durables : Un avenir pour la viticulture héroïque
L’héritage unique de la viticulture héroïque La viticulture héroïque, une forme remarquable et exigeante de culture du raisin que l’on trouve principalement en Europe, incarne la tradition centenaire et l’esprit de résilience face aux obstacles naturels. Cette pratique spécialisée a mérité son titre en raison des défis incroyables que doivent relever ceux qui l’adoptent. Ces agriculteurs déterminés affrontent des conditions …
From Steep Slopes to Sustainable Wines: A Future for Heroic Viticulture
The unique heritage of heroic viticulture Heroic viticulture, a remarkable and demanding form of grape cultivation primarily found in Europe, embodies the century-old tradition and spirit of resilience against challenging natural obstacles. This specialised practice has earned its title due to the incredible challenges faced by those who embrace it. These determined farmers confront extreme weather conditions, navigate steep and …
PHITO: Farming innovation for all
In 2022, Cambisol embarked on a journey to write a proposal to the European Commission that would capture our career-long goals. Farming innovation for all. Maps for any farmer. Equal opportunities and access to data-driven advice. Who knew what was waiting for us at the horizon… Project PHITO: Platform for Helping farmers to Incorporate digital Technologies for equal Opportunities PHITO …
Precizien: drones in de Limburgse landbouw
Project Precizien Precizien is een POP3+ verkenningsproject voor drone-innovaties in de landbouw, gesteund door Provincie Limburg en het Europese ELFPO initiatief. Samen met Limburgse landbouwers zal worden gekeken hoe drones kunnen bijdragen aan verduurzaming, betere oogst, en een gezonde en veilige leefomgeving. Wat kan zo’n drone precies zien? Dankzij precisielandbouw met behulp van drone-innovaties kan een landbouwer precies zien wat …
#droneshot #geoguessing 20 | 12 | 2022
View Post#droneshot #geoguessing 22 | 09 | 2022
Can you guess where we shot this drone footage? 🥇 Congrats to Coen Christiaan van Winkelhoff for getting closest!
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