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Observing the Caribbean from the top

Satellites fly past our globe every day, every hour. The amount of information they collect is incredible, but how can one apply this in their daily work? Cambisol, together with UNIPD and WUR, prepared relevant use cases together with 40 participants in the Caribbean region, giving them hands-on instructions how to utilize Earth Observation data. Tailored trainings, co-designed by the …

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One year of PHITO: inspired by 1000 faces & places

This month, it has been a year into PHITO. A massive project, a dream for us. Designing an app with 1000 people across Europe and beyond may sound like a disaster, but we love it and see it as an opportunity and adventure! One year of discussions, brainstorms around the table, on the road, in the field. A beautiful mix …

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PHITO: Farming innovation for all

In 2022, Cambisol embarked on a journey to write a proposal to the European Commission that would capture our career-long goals. Farming innovation for all. Maps for any farmer. Equal opportunities and access to data-driven advice. Who knew what was waiting for us at the horizon… Project PHITO: Platform for Helping farmers to Incorporate digital Technologies for equal Opportunities PHITO …

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Precizien: drones in de Limburgse landbouw

Project Precizien Precizien is een POP3+ verkenningsproject voor drone-innovaties in de landbouw, gesteund door Provincie Limburg en het Europese ELFPO initiatief. Samen met Limburgse landbouwers zal worden gekeken hoe drones kunnen bijdragen aan verduurzaming, betere oogst, en een gezonde en veilige leefomgeving. Wat kan zo’n drone precies zien? Dankzij precisielandbouw met behulp van drone-innovaties kan een landbouwer precies zien wat …